North Hills Boys Soccer 2024 Concession Stand Information
Concession Stand Information:
- Volunteer arrival times:
JV Game: 5:45
Varsity Game: 7:15
We will be set up under the overhang area by the bleachers on the home side.
The menu will have some differences each game, but in general consist of water, Gatorade, and pop, plus chips, candy, pretzels, nachos, Buffalo Chicken Dip, and a dinner item (could be pizza, hoagies, hot dogs, etc.)
Parent/Family Requests:
We are asking each family to sign up for ONE GAME on the SignUp Genius link provided.
Anyone who hasn’t signed up for a concession stand shift by August 31st will be assigned to an open game.
If you are unable to volunteer after signing up, please find someone to switch with to cover your shift.
We are also asking volunteers to pick up pretzels from the Philly Pretzel company and bring them to the games. They will be paid for, just need to be picked up and delivered. If you are able to do that, please email _________